воскресенье, 1 декабря 2013 г.

Rashid Ahmedov Karacev dancing. Ballet "Paradise Lost" (Paul Hindemith)


"Paradise Lost" (2001)
Plastic idyll in three odes
Paul Hindemith . Ballet "The Demon"
Written and choreographer - Rashid Akhmedov
Artist and teacher - tutor - Rashid Akhmedov
Premiere: April 29, 2001 , Baku Academuy of Msic

Around the Garden of Eden blessed circling Fallen Angel he fidget and rave - camping, breaking into his gates . Lord of heaven and angels meet the intruder sullen and arrogant - his visit will be short-lived.
An uninvited guest tries to captivate the Paradise birds and carefree Peri game in good water - cycle , but then quietly cunning escapes from them. After that, the fallen angel teaches Fairy flowers and other denizens of Eden to play musical instruments Infernal ITATION - tunes and they arrange noisy impromptu concert .
From rocky crevices listen to music creeps two cubs Hydra. His appearance they scare stimulated by mountain musicians who instantly flee at the sight of these wise and beautiful creatures. Only Fallen Angel fearlessly plastic wedged in and unhurried revels reptiles, and new friends disappear into the dense booths .
" Serpent "
Bird of Paradise Sirin sings his sad song of longing. Encouraged , she prophesies about every dramatic collisions waiting yet peaceful land -lu . The fate of the planet will be both sad and happy, full and tribulations , and happiness. Gradually prophetic songbird calms down, and its elegiac song breaks - good flower blooms .
Fallen Angel involves a risky game of chance and the Lords of Heaven and Ange - fishing , and all of them are infected with dark cranky ideas and vain demon. Slum whether edema alarmed and saddened by his thoughtless sermons. Relationships and alien residents of El Dorado are increasingly strained and conflict , their behavior and habits are more clearly reveal their irreconcilable differences . But no spanking Perry nor Paradise birds peck not deliver mischievous naughty no - amenities or irritation . All the machinations of enemies perceived them to philosophy , delivering him only invigorating joy of playing . Angels tense tremble , but can not elude them getting through a fighter , he is immune to their actions. Then , with the combined efforts of residents paradise kicked alien element of its con- toyavshegosya life away behind the doors of heaven .
Snakes are unhappy that they have lost their cheerful friend: they hiss , ominously creep along the ground , it sets out to rescue him from captivity eternal night . They sympathize with nick - driven and try to help him crawl out of the gate and entwine her boyfriend . Then pre- ibility animals quietly secretly passed it into the light and warm meadow para- diz . Fallen Angel triumphs he won his first and so important for him pobe do . In heaven he adapt to the local customs and traditions , to freely exist in these fertile and blessed living conditions.

Characters :
Lord of heaven - Jamin Agayev and Rashid Akhmedov
Fallen Angel - Yegor Anisimov
Birds of Paradise - Irina and Natalia Vodkin
Peri - Esther Borodaeva Victoria Veit
Angels - Jem Babaev Aliyeva and Izzet Mamedov
Snakes - Tuba and Azra Ibragimovs
Maid Paradise - Irina Plahotneva
Flower Fairy - Sabina Agaev

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